

Why Join WBN

Why our WBN Members choose us

WBN is the world’s largest independent network of insurance brokers and employee benefits consultants—and 4th largest among all networks—with combined revenues of $5.6 billion, over 500 offices in over 100 countries on 6 continents. Furthermore, WBN offers its members and their clients an unmatched combination of stability, combined purchasing power, and expertise in local markets, plus the independence to provide the levels of service clients expect.

Why Clients choose WBN Members

WBN invests heavily in resources that allow members and their clients to stay up-to-date on global information, country developments, regulatory issues, and global opportunities. Technology is a high priority at WBN, and members are provided with the latest tools for information management, communication and collaboration, including WBNet 3.0…powered by Origami Risk, a state-of-the-art insurance data management platform.

Interested in learning more about WBN?

About WBN

Largest independent network

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